The WHYS of condominium owner insurance
In Episode 2 of our insurance mini-series with Nuera Insurance Inc., Lauretta Enders, BA, CPM of Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. speaks with our valued partner to discuss the “whys” and “what fors” when it comes condominium unit owner insurance.
Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. is a licensed condominium management brokerage and trusted to respond with experience and responsive systems. Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. offers a wide range of condominium property management services and rental property management services. Our primary goal is to offer peace of mind and help condominium boards realize the long-term profitability, a solid governance approach and assist to minimize risk. Contact us today to find out more about how our team at Emerald Management & Realty Ltd. can help by calling 403-237-8600.
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