COVID19 Property Management Update
To Our Loyal Customers –
Thank you for your continued support during this challenging time. Like many essential service providers we are implementing processes and have been working remotely where possible in an effort to do our part to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Our primary goal during this time was to keep you and our team members safe. We began to cautiously working towards returning to work by rotating schedules to meet the requirement set in place by Alberta Health Services stages of the relaunch.
Re-Opening Safely –
With restrictions easing across the province, we have begun to slowly implement return to work protocols and have made access to the office available by appointment. We have installed plexi-glass dividers to protect visitors who are attending the office for payments or other necessary appointments. We are closely following guidelines at the local level, as well as making adjustments and continue to act responsibly and follow all public health measures.
Your Safety –
Safety remains our top priority and we promise that we will remain vigilant. COVID-19 information is fast moving and changing. Based on current recommendations from Alberta Health Services, to protect everyone, we have implemented the following safety measures:
- Signage has been placed where possible in visible areas to remind residents, guests and attendees to “Help Prevent the Spread” and promote proper hand hygiene. Additionally, communication such as bulletin boards notices, paper notices and/or signage has been placed in common areas or elevators, and newsletters have been sent out to assist in promoting best practices as recommended by government agencies.
- Training of all team members; enhanced cleaning and sanitizing procedures.
- Gloves and masks are made available and worn where required by all maintenance or on site team members
- Procedures to increase the disinfecting and sanitizing of common areas and high touch locations throughout the office and multi-family dwellings.
- Video conferencing to assist with board meetings and communication.
- Social Distancing Protocols as recommended by Alberta Health Services
- Common amenities in apartment and multi-family buildings, with the exception of laundry facilities or as permitted, have been closed to maintain social distancing.
- Where required, buildings have upgraded to high-quality air filters and which will be changed more frequently over the next few weeks.
In addition, we continue to following guidelines at the local level, as well as make adjustments as information and public health protocols change.
We Can’t Wait to See You –
While we still haven’t returned to business “as usual”, we do look forward to the day when we can safely interact without the threat of COVID-19. Until that time comes, we thank you for your cooperation in doing your part in helping each other stay safe and healthy.
Please stay up-to-date on current public health orders by regularly following the daily public health updates from Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer.
There are simple steps you can take to stop the spread of all viruses, including COVID-19, such as:
- Wash your hands regularly, using the proper hand washing technique
- Practice good housekeeping and personal hygiene
- Avoid shaking hands
- Maintain 6 feet of physical distance between you and other people, wherever possible
- Avoid touching your face
- Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Use alcohol-based cleaning wipes on frequently touched surfaces
Alberta Health Services has recently reminded multi-family building residents to keep themselves and others safe by:
- Wearing a mask when outside the apartment (in hallways, elevators, lobby, etc)
- Limit interactions with other residents, especially in the common areas
- Wash hands frequently
- Limit the amount of people in the elevator at any time to one or two people (depending on the size of the elevator)
- If a sanitation concern is noticed, the building manager must be notified immediately.
If you start to exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, self-isolate and call Health Link (811) for additional precautions. You can also assess your own risk if you are concerned or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. If you need to self-isolate, follow the recommended instructions for self-isolation: Self-Isolation Fact Sheet (Government of Alberta).
COVID-19 information is fast moving so please let us know if you have any concerns or notice a sanitation issue so that we can work together to minimize the risk of transmission.
Together we are stronger. Your support and cooperation through all this is making a difference.
Stay well.
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